Carol Swain, Set To Retire, Will Give Final Lecture at Vanderbilt April 24

Carol Swain will give a lecture at Vanderbilt University next week titled “Political Correctness and the Decline of American Universities.”

It will be her final lecture as a Vanderbilt professor of political science and law. In January, the nationally-known academic and author announced that she will retire in August.

“I will miss the students and the rhythm of campus, but I will not miss what American universities have allowed themselves to become,” she said in her announcement.

Swain, who came to Vanderbilt in 1999, has been popular among conservatives for her bold conservative Christian views. However, they have made her the subject of much criticism.

In 2015, Vanderbilt students started a petition to have her suspended for “bigotry, intolerance and unprofessionalism.” The petition said that Swain’s “hate-filled prejudices negatively impact her work” and provided links to two pieces of Swain’s commentary, one criticizing fundamentalist Islam and the other criticizing gay marriage. The petition was unsuccessful but Vanderbilt Chancellor Nicholas Zeppos offered only tepid support in her defense.

In announcing her retirement, Swain said that she looks forward to spending time “writing, speaking, and making myself available for my next assignment.”

Her lecture on Monday, April 24 is free and open to the public. It will be held at Vanderbilt in Wilson Hall, Room 126. There will be a reception from 6:00 to 6:45 p.m. The lecture starts at 6:45 p.m. The event is sponsored by the Young America’s Foundation.


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